Manage Token

To manage an existing token you need to connect the wallet that owns the token contract in Token Tool. After that, enter the token contract address. Alternatively you can also click on the token that you want to manage from the drop down list of token symbols and contract addresses that opens once you click the input field. Make sure that your wallet is connected to the same network as the one on which the token was created.

Token verification

Token verification is available on all supported mainnet and testnet networks except MELD. Tokens created with Token Tool are verified as either "Similar Match" or "Exact Match". Please note that some block explorers may prevent you from upgrading a source code verification from "similar match" to "exact match". In such a situation, you must contact the block explorer's support for further assistance.

Example of a "Similar Match Verified" token:

Example of an "Exact Match Verified" token:

You can complete the verification of token contracts created under the DeFi Token using the automatic verification button under Manage Token:

Simply click the automatic verification button and wait for the verification process to be complete. Once complete, your token contract will be verified on the block explorer:

Example of verification for a token contract without a custom name:

Example of verification for a token contract with a custom name:

In addition to verifying your token contract with or without a custom contract brand name, all tokens created with Token Tool will have Bitbond branding by default in the first few lines of the contract source code. Users can opt out from this feature upon verification for an extra cost. You can choose to set your own branded details, or simply remove the Bitbond branding:

Here is how your token's contract source code looks like on the block explorer with the default Bitbond branding:

Here is how your token's contract source code without any branding:

Here is how your token's contract source code with your own branding:

Token configuration

You can control the following parameters of your token. Please note that some of these parameters can only be changed, if the respective function was activated at the initial token creation:

  • Mint (only possible if activated at creation)

  • Burn (only possible if activated at creation)

  • Change owner (always possible)

  • Renounce ownership (always possible)

  • Blacklist address (only possible if activated at creation)

  • Pause (only possible if activated at creation)

  • Transaction tax / fee (only possible if activated at creation). You can exclude addresses from being taxed by adding them to the exclusion list. Add the LP address to exclusion list for it to be traded on V3. Tax will not apply on transactions that take place on V3 DEXes.

  • Deflation settings (only possible if activated at creation). Add the LP address to exclusion list for it to be traded on V3. Deflation will not apply on transactions that take place on V3 DEXes.

  • Holders Reward/ Reflection Token (only possible if activated at creation) . You can prevent addresses from receiving holders rewards by adding them to the exclusion list. Add the LP address to exclusion list for it to be traded on V3. Holders rewards will not apply on transactions that take place on V3 DEXes.

  • Add a liquidity pool to a decentralized exchange. This feature may not work for tokens that have “Security Token Configuration” features activated. Please also note that this feature only works on the respective mainnets, there is no testnet support. Supported DEXes:

    • Ethereum: Uniswap

    • Polygon: Quickswap

    • Avalanche: Trader Joe

    • BSC: Pancakeswap

    • Fantom: SpookySwap

  • Edit asset documentation (only possible if activated at creation)

  • Add or remove whitelisted addresses (only visible and possible if activated at creation)

  • Change tokens per address limit (only possible if activated at creation) – note that you can only increase the limit but not decrease it in order to avoid creating a conflict with the amount of tokens that could be held per address prior to the change. This feature is also called "whale protection". You can exclude specific wallet addresses by adding them to the exclusion list. Once added to the exclusion list, the limit would not apply to these wallets. This can be useful when adding a liquidity pool to DEX. Note: when creating a liquidity pool, make sure to fund it with the amount based on the limit set, you can then add the LP address to the exclusion list once the pool is created. Excluding the LP address from this limit will allow you to fund the pool with a higher amount than the limit set.

  • Force transaction to move tokens from any wallet address to another address (only possible if activated at creation)

Manage Token is particularly useful if you want to execute corporate actions that have an impact on existing or to be newly minted tokens / shares.

View of Manage DeFi Token

View of Manage Security Token

Last updated